Tag Archives: Studio

Open Day 1st May, 2021 + Happy Easter

Despite the year starting off a little shaky, with a snap Covid lockdown, I have been keeping very busy in the Studio + Gallery. The Gallery is now open and we welcome your visit. I am open 10-3 Thursday – Saturday and at all other times by appointment.

On May 1st I am having an Open Day. The Gallery will be open from 10-3pm. Come along to view new works. The Gallery will be re-hung with many of the works I made during last year’s Covid-19 Lockdown in Melbourne. There are new paintings, collage pieces, drawings and unframed pieces. If you would like a reminder of this event and also want to be on my email list for future gallery openings please email me [email protected]


Lately I have been creating some paintings and mosaic commissions for private homes. I always enjoy working with people to make something special for their homes or office environments or special event. So, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have a desire for something that is unique for you or a loved one.C

The Holy Trinity Kindergarten in Hampton, Melbourne turned 75 years old in 2020. It’s a beautiful Kinder with a Community Garden and chooks. It is a gorgeous welcoming environment. They have commissioned me to create some figures for their exterior walls. I am using drawings created by the children as inspiration. They will be made from wood and found objects and painted by me and the children. The grant was, made possible by Bayside Council.

Early next school term I will be doing a commission/residency at The Currawong School in Malvern. Together, with the children, I will be creating a mosaic mural. I am looking forward to working with these students.


Patterson Village, where my studio + Gallery is located is one of Melbourne’s hidden gems. I am working with a group of traders and other local community minded people to create a Patterson Village Association.  Patterson Village is located just off the Nepean Highway near Dendy Park, Brighton. It consists of a small group of shops and a railway Station, on the Frankston Line.

In 2010 I organised a Community Mural to cover the Station Underpass. The mural consists of hundreds of individually made faces. The project is titled “Stationary Faces”. The work won a Keep Australia Beautiful Award in 2012. The station mosaics attract visitors from all over, as well as still being admired by the locals. At the end of February our community held a “Wash Your Face Day” and it was estimated that between 60-70 people came along to wash the mosaics down. Let me know if you would like to be involved in the cleaning next year.

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter.