Current Exhibition and news in my Gallery + Studio



Over the past months I have been working really hard on a commission for Luna Park, Melbourne. The commission is in mosaic. It is about 25 metres of mosaic work for the front façade of the “Luna Palace” Building. That is the big white building inside Luna Park where the dodgem cars are.

The work will be installed in November in time to Celebrate Luna Park’s 98th Birthday in December.

As the commission is large and I already have another large commission  going on in my studio,  the front gallery is being used as the Luna Park studio.


So the Gallery space is looking pretty busy at the moment.  The front window has many of the Luna Pieces displayed.


There are new large paintings on the walls in the gallery and you are still most welcome to browse. I am also constantly working on new works on paper.


We are generally here from 10-4 pm Monday – Friday and 10am _ 2pm Saturdays,  although it is best to call to make sure. Sometimes I am off site looking at another project. The studio number is 9557 2688. You may also make an appointment for a time outside those hours. We are very flexible with time here.


Jean and Leanne,  who work in the studio a couple of days per week are currently mosaicing panels for the exterior of the gallery.

These mosaics  are based on my drawings/ paintings and you will soon see the front of the gallery  covered with my mythical creatures!


The next big project this studio will undertake is the Patterson Station.

I have been gathering lots of names of people interested in helping to make a tile for this project.


So please visit the gallery some time. The courtyard is looking good after all the rain.

We also have some very beautiful and colourful bird baths for sale!

Perfect for an injection of colour into your garden or courtyard.